LACMA’s Urban Light, a striking installation by Chris Burden, features 202 restored cast-iron street lamps from various locations across Los Angeles. This iconic piece stands proudly outside the expansive museum, offering a captivating backdrop for streetlight selfies and a glimpse into the city’s luminous past.
While Urban Light is undoubtedly a popular spot for photos, there’s so much more to discover within LACMA’s walls. The museum’s collections showcase a diverse range of artistic treasures, from modernist masterpieces to large-scale contemporary works and traditional Japanese screens. Additionally, LACMA hosts consistently outstanding special exhibitions, making it a must-visit destination for art enthusiasts.
Visitors also have the unique opportunity to witness Judy Baca’s artistic process as she paints an extension of The Great Wall of Los Angeles within LACMA’s galleries on select days. Furthermore, residents of L.A. County can take advantage of free admission on weekdays after 3pm by booking a reservation, providing an excellent opportunity to explore the museum’s offerings without spending a dime.